Vehicle gas is refined biogas (CBG = compressed biogas), natural gas (CNG = compressed natural gas) or a mixture of the two gases. At Stormossen’s refuelling stations we sell only CBG. The gas used for vehicle gas refuelling is first compressed to about 300 bar and then filled into the car’s tank at about 200 bar.
You need to have your customer card with you when visiting a waste reception station. If you don’t have a customer card, you can fill in a form on our website to order one. You can choose to have the customer card number sent directly to your email, allowing you to register the customer card directly in Stormossen’s mobile app. You can also receive a physical card sent to you by mail within a week. At a waste reception station where we have staff on-site, you can get a physical card during your first visit.
You need your customer card number to download your customer card as an app on your smartphone. If you don’t have a customer card number, you must first order a customer card. If you already have a customer card but can’t find your card number, you can ask for the information at or by calling Stormossen’s office 010 320 7600 Mon–Fri 9 am–3 pm.
Yes. All households must be connected to the municipal waste service. This is to minimize instances where waste is dumped in the nature. If you only produce a small amount of waste, then we recommend using a small waste container and optimized emptying intervals. A container shared with a neighbour is also an option.
Stormossen is responsible for emptying the following waste containers:
- biowaste
- multi-compartment containers
- package waste (metal, glass, carton and plastic packages) and batteries
If the waste bins mentioned have not been emptied, please contact or 010 320 7676.
If the emptying concerns mixed waste (combustible waste) or paper, contact your own waste transportation company.
Vaasa Region’s Waste Committee has approved the local waste management regulations that came into effect on June 1, 2022. They are based on the Finnish Waste Act, which mandates, among other things, that biowaste must be collected separately in single-family homes and that plastic and cardboard packaging must be sorted in housing companies. This is rooted in an EU directive aiming for an increased recycling rate of 65% by the year 2035.
Stormossen is responsible for the reception and treatment of municipal waste. The costs for property-specific waste management for households consist of a transportation fee and a treatment fee. The treatment fee consists of direct and indirect costs incurred when the waste is handled and further processed. Stormossen processes the waste either independently or through purchased services.
The eco-charge is charged to all households and holiday homes in the Stormossen area. The eco-charge is used to maintain eco-points, waste reception stations, campaign collections and waste advice, among other things.
The eco-charge is based on the waste legislation, under which both permanent and holiday residents are obliged to contribute to the investment and maintenance costs of the service facilities set up by the municipality for the management of waste from their property.
The Vaasa Region Waste Committee (Vaasan seudun jätelautakunta) has established a fee, which is a so-called public charge. Therefore, no contract between the municipality and the property owner is required. According to the Waste Tariff, Stormossen will take care of the invoicing. The Waste charge is available on the Waste Committee’s website (external link in Finnish).
All waste that decomposes, e.g. all food leftovers, peels from fruit and vegetables, fish trimmings, solid and liquid fats (in a carton packaging). Also coffee filters, tea bags, paper towels, napkins and faded flowers are biowaste.
You can also put egg cartons in biowaste, but unfortunately eggshells cause huge trouble at our biowaste management plant, which is why we recommend putting eggshells in mixed waste (combustible waste). Dog poop, cat sand etc. cannot be sorted as biowaste.
All households and holiday homes in our region that pay the eco charge are entitled to a customer card. Read more about how the customer card works by clicking on this link.
The longest possible emptying interval for biowaste and multi-compartment containers is two weeks during the summer (April–October) and four weeks during the winter (November–March). This has been established by Vaasa Region’s Waste Committee in waste management regulations. The standard emptying interval for biowaste in single-family homes and small houses is two weeks year-round. If you want to extend the emptying interval to four weeks during the winter, you need to send the following information: the names of all adult persons in the household, address, and contact person’s phone number via email to
The emptying interval for mixed waste (combustible waste) can be extended if biowaste is sorted separately from the mixed waste. The longest possible emptying interval is 12 weeks. If you live in Area A, you can notify your own mixed waste transporter directly about the extended emptying interval. If you live in Area B and sort biowaste, you need to apply for an extended emptying interval from the Waste Committee.
In housing companies, the property manager ensures that the emptying intervals are optimal in relation to the amount of waste and notifies about the need for changes. If you notice that emptying intervals need to be changed, contact the property manager or the chairman of your housing company.
From 1.1.2023, the eco-charge for properties with 1 to 4 apartments will be calculated per apartment and not on the basis of the number of residents, as was previously the case. The same applies to properties with five or more residential units.