Development projects
Boost Nordic Biogas
The Boost Nordic Biogas project aims to improve the economic viability of biogas production in the region, increase its efficiency and facilitate the construction of new plants. The project is a collaboration between Stormossen and Yrkeshögskolan Novia from Finland, Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet and BioFuel Region from Sweden and SINTEF Narvik from Norway. The project team is working with biogas producers in the Aurora area. The participating researchers will also analyse digestate products and investigate the market uptake of these products.
The project will run from 2023 to 2025 with a total budget of 1.7 million euros. The project is funded by Interreg Aurora, Region Västerbotten, Region Västernorrland, Lapplands förbund, Nordland Fylkeskommune, Troms & Finnmark Fylkeskommune, Rå Biopark, biogas plants Alviksgården, Boden kommun, Skellefteå kommun, LUMIRE, Vakin, Norrmejerier and HEMAB.
Best Ace
The Best Ace project is developing new markets for biogas. The project aims to create a new infrastructure network for natural gas and boost the use of biomethane for long-distance transport and shipping. The project will run from 10/2022 to 09/2024 and will be managed by Energikontor Sydost in Sweden. In addition to Stormossen, four organisations around the North Sea in Sweden, Estonia and Lithuania are participating in the project. The project team will identify key factors that are important for developing new demand and stimulating new actors to increase the share of biogas in new markets. The total budget is €340 000, partly funded by the EU. You can read more about the project via this link.
In the future, we may use bio-based waste and by-products in agriculture, for example for soil improvement and plant disease control. The BioDigi project is looking for affordable and sustainable digital means for long-term carbon sequestration. The project is led by the University of Oulu in collaboration with Stormossen, the Natural Resources Institute of Finland (Luke), the University of Vaasa, Kiertokaari Oy and Österbottens svenska producentförbund r.f. (ÖSP). The project period is 1.3.2022 – 31.10.2024 and is funded in its entirety (861 249€) by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry.
Samples for Analysis
Every year samples are taken for analysis. The aim of the analyses is to obtain a picture of how well the sorting of biowaste and combustible waste in households within the Stormossen region of activity works. Samples are taken and analysed from biowaste, packaged biowaste, combustible waste from homeowners’ houses and combustible waste from housing companies.
Customer survey
Every two years, a customer survey is carried out among the residents of Stormossen’s owner municipalities. The purpose of the survey is to map the residents’ opinions and experiences of Stormossen’s activities and services.