Environment and quality
Stormossen works actively to reduce the impact of waste management on the environment and to ensure that the workplace is as safe and pleasant as possible for the staff. As an aid to effective work, Stormossen has built up a management system according to the international standards ISO 14001, ISO 45001 and ISO 9001. As a result of the company’s goal-oriented work, Stormossen was granted the ISO 14001 environmental management certificate in May 2004, the certificate for occupational health & safety in May 2010, and the quality certificate in May 2013.
Stormossen continuously develops and improves its operations and sets new goals for its operations annually. Emissions to the environment are regularly checked and reported each year in an annual report.
Contact Environmental Manager Johanna Penttinen-Källroos for more information, tel. +358 10 320 7636.