Where do I find the opening hours for the waste reception stations?
What do I need to know before I visit a waste reception station?

Checklist for visiting a waste reception station:

  • Sort waste already at home. In this way, you make it easier for yourself and our staff when you empty the car at the waste reception station. Please reserve enough time for your visit.
  • The number of visits is unlimited. Please do not bring more than 2 m3 (one trailer) of waste per visit.
  • Heavy items are received only at Stormossen’s waste centre station.
  • You can donate items in good condition at the waste reception station. This way, they can be reused at Minimossen.
  • Remember your customer card. If you don’t have a customer card, you can order one here or get one at a staffed waste reception station.
How does a self-service station work?

There are no staff members present at self-service stations. Customers open the gate by showing their Stormossen customer card to the card reader. The waste is sorted by the customer, preferably already before the visit. If necessary, the customer can contact a service number for advice. Self-service stations have longer opening hours so that customers can visit the station at their convenience.

Why is the cardboard press lid not open at self-service stations?

For safety reasons. By law, the feed opening must be small enough, so the cardboard must be flattened before being fed into the press.