
Detached Houses and Small Apartment Blocks

Residents of detached houses or housing companies with 1–4 homes in Stormossen’s operating area (Vaasa, Korsholm, Vörå, Isokyrö, Vähäkyrö, Malax, and Korsnäs) must have separate collection for mixed waste (combustible waste) and in area A also biowaste.  Here you can check the areas affected by the separate collection of biowaste and the transporters on each area.

It is also possible to have collection for packaging waste (metal, glass, plastic and carton packaging) at your own property. Sorting waste saves not only the environment but also waste management costs.


Alternatives for Sorting Biowaste

Residents of detached houses or housing companies with 1–4 homes will then have three alternatives for biowaste sorting.

1. Separate Biowaste Container in Your Own Yard

You can sort biowaste in a separate container in your own yard. The container will be emptied and the waste transported by Stormossen. Check this link to find out your area’s bio waste transporters. The charge of emptying the biowaste container (140 liters) is 8,66€/emptying (incl. VAT 25,5%). It will be emptied every other week during in the summer (April–October) and can be every fourth week in the winter (November–March), or more frequently if needed. If you’d like to extend the emptying interval on your biowaste contact us by email

2. Shared Container With a Neighbour

You can also sort your biowaste in a shared container with a neighbour. In that case, you need to apply for shared biowaste container to Vaasa Region’s Waste Committee (Vaasan seudun jätelautakunta) (in Finnish).

Any changes according to the shared waste container has to be reported via a form to Vaasa Region’s Waste Committee (Vaasan seudun jätelautakunta) (in Finnish).

The emptying fee is divided to sharing parties according to what has been informed to us. For shared invoice we will charge 3,14€/invoice.

3. Your Own, Year-Round, Closed, and Insulated Compost

If you have a closed and insulated compost that is used year-round, you can sort your biowaste into it. You can also share the compost with a neighbour. Bokashi is also allowed. In that case, post-composting in a closed compost is compulsory. You must fill out a composting notification form at Vaasa Region’s Waste Committee’s (Vaasan seudun jätelautakunta) website (in Finnish). It is also possible to use a compostor only in summertime and Stormossen’s biowaste container in wintertime.

If you wish to stop composting and choose another method of sorting you must fill a form at Vaasa Region’s Waste Committee’s website (in Finnish).

4. Stormossen’s Multi-Comparment Container

In Stormossen’s Multi-Compartment Container you can sort biowaste, metal packages, plastic packages and carton packages. The price for the emptying of the container is 15,04€/emptying (incl. VAT 25,5%). The price includes transportation cost, the container service cost and the treatment cost for biowaste (the package waste don’t have treatment fees). One household can not share a Multi-Compartment Container with another household.

The emptying interval for the Multi-Compartment Container is every other week in the summer time (1.4.-30.10.) and it can be extended for every fourth week in the winter time (1.11.-31.3.). If you’d like to make changes to the emptying interval, contact us by email emptying and transportation of the containers is done by Remeo, as a result of competitive tendering by Stormossen. Any questions and feedback should be addressed to Stormossen or 010 320 7600.

Mixed Waste Container is Mandatory

All households must have a mixed waste (combustible waste) container. Residents will choose their waste transporter and order their waste transports themselves. The mixed waste container can be shared with a neighbour. You must apply for a shared combustible waste container from Vaasa Region’s Waste Committee (in Finnish).

How Often is The Mixed Waste Container Emptied?

If you live in Area A:

Property owners can agree directly with waste transporters on extended emptying intervals for mixed waste (combustible waste). The emptying intervals for mixed waste can be up to 12 weeks when biowaste is sorted separetly.

If you live in Area B:

The emptying interval for mixed waste (combustible waste) is 1-2 weeks in the summer time and 1-4 weeks in the wintertime without an application to Vaasa Region’s Waste Committee.

To extend the emptying interval for combustible waste, please make an application at Vaasa Region’s Waste Committee’s website (in Finnish).

How To Sort the Remaining Waste?

Properly sorted waste benefits you, your surroundings, and future generations. Paper, metal, glass packagings, and batteries can be taken to the closest Ecopoint. Check the location of Ecopoints from this link. Some Ecopoints also receive cardboard and plastic packages.

You can also choose to have containers for packages. Containers and transportations can be ordered via Stormossen.

Glass packages (max. 240 liters) 8,26€/emptying
Metal packages (max. 240 liters) 8,26€/emptying
Carton packages (max. 660 liters) 8,04€/emptying
Plastic packages (max. 660 liters) 8,04€/emptying

The emptying intervals for glass- and metal packages are at least once a year. The interval for the emptying of carton- and plastic packages can be 12 weeks.

As of 1 January 2023, end-of-life textiles must be sorted separately. End-of-life textiles can be brought to all our waste reception stations.

Hazardous waste, electrical and electronic waste, and large items must be taken to a waste reception station. With Stormossen’s customer card, you can visit a waste reception station as many times as is needed. Every household in Stormossen’s operating area is entitled to the customer card. You can also download the card to your smartphone via Stormossen’s app.

You can find more information about the waste manegement costs in a detached home here.

Reminder for Property Owners

It is important that as a property owner you take responsibility to ensure that waste management functions as smoothly as possible.

The property owner is responsible for the maintenance of the driveway, waste collection point, and waste containers (such as gritting, snow plowing, ice removal, and thawing of frozen waste in the container). If the waste container cannot be emptied due to the property owner’s negligence, we will charge a collection fee according to the waste management regulations tariff for the unnecessary visit.

Remember to notify Stormossen if your address or contact details change. Read more from the Moving Checklist.

Do I Need a Waste Container Even If I Have No Waste?

Yes. All households must be connected to the municipal waste service. This minimises instances where waste is dumped into nature. If you only produce a small amount of waste, we recommend using a small waste container and optimised emptying intervals. A shared container with a neighbour is also an option.

Note that the property holder is responsible of maintaining the driveway, wastepoint and waste bins, e.g. snow clearing, sanding, removing ice and thawing frozen waste to enable emptying of the bins. If the waste bin can not be emptied due to omission of the aspects above, Stormossen is according to the waste management regulations entitled to charge for needless emptying.